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This post is going to be about buffer experiments for effective signal recovery of GRACE data.



21st century estimates of mass loss rates in the Gulf of Alaska and Canadian Archipelago using a GRACE constrained glacier model

Published in The Cryosphere discussions- open to comments, 2020

Glacier mass loss or melting is expected to increase due to global temperature, and the rates of loss are rapidly increasing in the recent decades. In order to estimate the future sea-level rates more accurately, we need to determine the current rates of glacier loss. From our combined approach in glacier modelling and remote sensing, we are able to understand the sensitivity of glaciers in different regions to the climate change.

Recommended citation: Ashokkumar and Harig. (2020). "21st century estimate." The Cryosphere. 1(1).




, University of Alabama Huntsville, 2023

As a scientist, teaching is one of the ways to engage active learning and develop critical thinking for solving real-life problems. It is an (mutual) opportunity for interaction and learning with the next generations, who will be potential leaders and future citizens. In addition to theoretical and empirical evidence based lectures, my approach to teaching strives to incorporate three tools in active learning (a.k.a STEM pedagogy):

  • Including powerful visualization tools and emerging technologies to create positive impact in student learning,
  • Employ cognitive learning methodologies that will seek to interpret data and understand the hypothesis in problem-solving and research, and
  • Inclusion of place-based learning where the students can practically apply their knowledge with examples from physical environments, which is unique to Earth science.